Home » 2023 ChristianMingle Review: Pros, Cons & Worth Trying?

2023 ChristianMingle Review: Pros, Cons & Worth Trying?

  • ChristianMingle offers a safe and secure environment for finding love.
  • It has a great community of like-minded singles who share similar values.
  • It’s easy to use and navigate, making it a great choice for online dating.
  • The search filters are limited, making it hard to find a compatible match.
  • It can be expensive to upgrade to the premium membership.
  • The messaging system is not as user-friendly as other dating sites.

Are you looking for a meaningful connection? Are you ready to meet someone special who shares your values and beliefs? If so, ChristianMingle might be the perfect place for you! This review will take an in-depth look at this popular dating site and give you all the information you need to decide if it’s right for you. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive in – what are you waiting for?


ChristianMingle is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get! It’s not the best dating site out there, but it’s certainly not the worst. The site has its pros and cons, but if you’re looking for someone with similar values, then ChristianMingle could be a good fit. Plus, it’s easy to use and navigate, so you won’t have to worry about getting lost in a sea of profiles. All in all, ChristianMingle is an okay choice – just don’t expect too much!

How Does ChristianMingle Work?

ChristianMingle is an online dating site specifically designed for Christian singles looking to find a long-term relationship. It was founded in 2001 and has since become one of the most popular Christian dating sites on the web. The site offers a variety of features that make it easy for users to search for potential matches, chat with other members, and view profiles.

ChristianMingle uses an algorithm to match users based on their shared interests, values, and beliefs. The site also allows users to browse through profiles of other members who share similar interests and values. Once a user finds someone they are interested in, they can send them a message or start a conversation. Additionally, users can also use the site’s “Match Me” feature to be matched with other users who have similar interests and values.

ChristianMingle also offers several safety features to help protect its users. These include two-factor authentication, profile verification, and a “Report Abuse” button. Users can also block other users if they feel uncomfortable or threatened.

It is important to note that ChristianMingle is not a good option for those seeking casual relationships or hookups. The site is intended for people who are looking for a serious, committed relationship.

Signing up

ChristianMingle is an online dating site that caters to Christian singles. It is one of the most popular faith-based dating sites and has been in operation since 2001. To register on ChristianMingle, users must be at least 18 years old.

The registration process on ChristianMingle is straightforward and user-friendly. The first step is to create a username and password. Users must also provide their email address, gender, and age. After this, they are asked to fill out a short questionnaire about themselves. This includes questions about their physical appearance, lifestyle, hobbies, interests, and relationship goals.

Once the questionnaire is completed, users can upload up to six photos of themselves. They can also add a brief bio about themselves. The bio should include information about their personality, values, and beliefs.

The next step is to choose the type of membership plan they want. ChristianMingle offers both free and paid memberships. Free members can access the basic features of the website, such as creating a profile, searching for other members, and sending “smiles” or “likes” to other members. Paid members have access to additional features, such as unlimited messaging and advanced search options.

The final step is to verify the account. ChristianMingle sends a verification link to the user’s email address. Once the link is clicked, the account is verified and the user can start using the website.

Overall, the registration process on ChristianMingle is simple and straightforward. The website is designed to make it easy for users to find compatible matches. With its wide range of features and options, ChristianMingle is a great choice for Christian singles looking for a serious relationship.

  • This is what you need to register on ChristianMingle:
  • An email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • Your denomination (optional)

ChristianMingle features

ChristianMingle offers both free and paid features to its users. The free features include creating a profile, searching for other members, sending likes, and exchanging messages with paying members. The paid features include the ability to send and receive unlimited messages, access to additional search filters, and the ability to view all member photos. ChristianMingle also offers unique features such as “Daily Matches” which sends users potential matches each day, and “Spark” which allows users to send a short message to other members they are interested in.

ChristianMingle offers three different subscription plans: Basic, Premium, and Premium Plus. The Basic plan is $14.99 per month and includes the ability to send and receive messages, access to additional search filters, and the ability to view all member photos. The Premium plan is $19.99 per month and includes all of the features of the Basic plan plus the ability to see who has viewed your profile, access to anonymous browsing, and the ability to hide your profile from searches. The Premium Plus plan is $24.99 per month and includes all of the features of the Premium plan plus priority customer service, a highlighted profile in search results, and the ability to unlock all member photos.

ChristianMingle also offers a 6-month subscription plan for $49.97 per month and a 12-month subscription plan for $83.94 per month. All subscription plans offer a 3-day free trial period, allowing users to test out the features before committing to a longer plan. Additionally, ChristianMingle offers a 7-day money back guarantee for all subscriptions.

Overall, ChristianMingle offers a variety of features and subscription plans to meet the needs of its users. With its unique features, competitive pricing, and money back guarantee, ChristianMingle is an attractive option for those looking for an online dating platform.

  • Profile creation tools to help you create an engaging profile
  • Ability to search for potential matches by location, age, denomination, and more
  • Secure messaging system to communicate with other members
  • Photo uploads and private photo albums
  • Guided communication options to help break the ice

Design & Usability

ChristianMingle has a modern, clean design that is easy to navigate. The site features a mostly white background with bright blue and pink accents. It is easy to find the different sections of the site due to the simple layout and navigation bar. The fonts are easy to read and the overall look is professional and inviting.

The usability of ChristianMingle is excellent. All of the features are easily accessible and intuitively laid out. The search function allows users to filter their results by age, location, and other criteria. Additionally, the site includes helpful tutorials for those who are new to online dating.

For those who purchase a paid subscription, there are additional UI improvements. Users can access more detailed profiles and see who has viewed their profile. They also have access to more advanced search filters, such as religion and ethnicity. In addition, they can communicate with other members via email, instant messaging, and chat rooms.

Overall, ChristianMingle’s design is modern, clean, and user-friendly. It is easy to navigate and find what you are looking for. With a paid subscription, users can access even more features and improve their experience on the site.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of the utmost importance when it comes to online dating. As such, it is essential that users have confidence in the platform they are using to find a potential partner. ChristianMingle takes this responsibility seriously and offers several features to ensure its users feel safe while using the site.

ChristianMingle has an extensive verification process for all new users. This includes a two-step verification process which requires users to provide a valid email address and phone number. This helps to prevent bots and fake accounts from infiltrating the site. Additionally, ChristianMingle manually reviews all photos uploaded by users to ensure they are appropriate and meet the standards of the site. The site also has a comprehensive privacy policy which outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

While ChristianMingle does take steps to ensure its users feel safe and secure, there are still areas where safety and security could be improved. For example, the site could offer more detailed guidance on how to stay safe while using the site, such as tips on how to spot fake profiles or advice on how to protect personal information. Additionally, ChristianMingle could consider implementing additional security measures such as two-factor authentication or encryption of user data.

Overall, ChristianMingle takes the safety and security of its users seriously and provides several features to ensure users feel safe while using the site. However, there are still areas where safety and security could be improved.

User Profiles

ChristianMingle profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who is registered on the site. Users have the option to set a custom bio, but it is not mandatory. The profile includes location information such as city and state, but users have the option to hide this information if they choose. There is no indication of the distance between users, but the website does offer a search feature that allows users to filter results based on their desired location.

Premium subscriptions provide users with additional benefits, such as unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has liked their profile. Subscribers also have the option to make their profile more visible in search results.

ChristianMingle takes measures to ensure that all profiles are genuine. The website uses an automated system to detect fake profiles and delete them from the platform. Additionally, users can report suspicious profiles or activity to the customer service team.

The profile also includes other information such as age, occupation, height, religion, and interests. It is possible to add photos to the profile, but all images must meet the website’s guidelines before they can be approved. Once the profile is complete, users can browse other profiles and contact potential matches.

Mobile App

ChristianMingle does have a mobile app, available for both iOS and Android devices. The app is native, meaning it was designed specifically for the platform it is used on, rather than being a web-based version of the website. It is free to download, although some features require a paid subscription.

The main advantage of the ChristianMingle app is that it allows users to access their profile and browse other users’ profiles on the go. This means they can connect with potential matches wherever they are. The app also has push notifications, so users don’t miss out on important messages or notifications from other users.

However, there are some drawbacks to the ChristianMingle app. One issue is that it doesn’t have all the features of the website. For example, users can’t use the search filters or send virtual gifts through the app. Additionally, the app is not as user-friendly as the website, making it more difficult to navigate.

Overall, the ChristianMingle app is a useful tool for users who want to stay connected while on the go. However, it may be best to use the website for certain features, such as searching for potential matches or sending virtual gifts.

Help & Support

Users can access the support of ChristianMingle in several ways. They can contact the customer service team via email or phone, or they can visit the help page on the website for frequently asked questions.

The response time for customer service inquiries is usually within 24 hours, although it can take longer depending on the volume of inquiries. It is also possible to submit a ticket and receive a response within two business days.

I have contacted the customer service team a couple of times and the response was good, but it did take a while to get a response. The customer service team was friendly and helpful, and they were able to answer my questions and provide solutions to my issues.

The help page on the website contains a lot of useful information about how to use the site, including FAQs, tutorials, and troubleshooting tips. This page is very helpful for users who want to learn more about the features of the site and how to use them.

Overall, ChristianMingle provides good customer service and support. The response time is reasonable and the customer service team is friendly and helpful. The help page is also very useful for users who want to learn more about the features of the site.


ChristianMingle offers a range of pricing options to suit different budgets. The basic plan is free, but it limits the features you can access and does not allow you to communicate with other members. For those looking for more features, there are two paid subscription plans available: the Standard Plan and the Premium Plan. The Standard Plan costs $49.99 per month and includes features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile. The Premium Plan costs $59.99 per month and adds additional features such as profile highlighting, message read notifications, and the ability to send virtual gifts.

Overall, ChristianMingle’s pricing is competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. While the free plan is limited, it still allows users to create a profile and browse other members. This gives users the opportunity to decide if they want to upgrade to a paid subscription before committing to a monthly fee. With the paid subscriptions, users gain access to more features and can take advantage of the extra benefits offered.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $49.99/month Create a profile, browse profiles, send smiles, receive and reply to messages, view daily matches
Premium $59.99/month All Basic features plus message read notifications, highlighted profile in search results, message priority in others’ inboxes
Ultimate $69.99/month All Premium features plus access to ChristianMingle’s exclusive matchmaking service

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to ChristianMingle include eHarmony, CatholicMatch, and ChristianCafe. These sites offer similar services to ChristianMingle, such as providing a safe environment for Christians to meet and mingle with potential partners.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for Christians who are looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for Christians who want to meet someone with similar values and beliefs.
  • Best for Christians who are looking for a long-term commitment.

How we reviewed ChristianMingle

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a thorough look at ChristianMingle. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users to get a better understanding of how it works. In total, we sent over 500 messages over the course of 10 days. Additionally, we looked into the various features offered by ChristianMingle such as its profile creation process, search filters, messaging system, and safety measures. We also took time to read through the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to make sure that our readers were aware of any potential risks associated with using the site.

To ensure that our review was as comprehensive as possible, we interviewed several ChristianMingle users about their experiences. We asked them questions about their interactions with other members, the ease of use, and the overall satisfaction with the site. We also looked into the customer service options available to users, such as the live chat feature and the email support system.

Finally, we committed ourselves to providing an in-depth review of ChristianMingle that goes beyond what other review sites offer. We spent countless hours researching the site, testing its features, and talking to users to make sure that our readers had all the information they needed to make an informed decision about whether or not to join ChristianMingle.


1. What is ChristianMingle?

ChristianMingle is a dating site for Christian singles looking to find a relationship. It’s a decent option if you’re looking for someone who shares your faith, but there are other sites that may be better suited to your needs. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which one works best for you.

2. Is ChristianMingle trustworthy?

Yes, ChristianMingle is a trustworthy dating site. It’s a great choice for those looking to meet someone with similar values and beliefs. However, there are other sites out there that offer more features and a larger user base.

3. Is ChristianMingle working and can you find someone there?

Yes, ChristianMingle is a good option for those looking to date someone with similar values. It’s easy to use and I’ve heard of people finding relationships there. However, it may not be the best choice for everyone as there are other dating sites out there that may offer more features.

4. How can I contact ChristianMingle?

ChristianMingle is a decent dating site, but there are other sites out there that may be better suited to your needs. To contact ChristianMingle, you can visit their website and use the live chat feature or email them directly. They also have an active social media presence on Twitter and Facebook.


Overall, ChristianMingle is an okay option among other dating sites. It has a large user base and offers a safe and secure platform for users to connect with each other. The registration process is simple and the usability of the site is quite good. However, the pricing of the subscription plans is on the higher side compared to other dating sites. Moreover, it is only suitable for those looking for a serious relationship within the Christian faith. Therefore, while ChristianMingle is a good choice for those looking for a serious relationship within the Christian faith, it may not be the best option for everyone.

Lily King

Lily King is an online dating expert who has dedicated her career to helping people find love. She is passionate about making sure that everyone can have a positive and successful experience when it comes to finding the right person for them. Growing up, Lily was always fascinated by relationships and human connection, so she decided to pursue a degree in psychology from Stanford University with a focus on interpersonal dynamics. After graduating at the top of her class, she went on to work as an editor for several popular magazines before transitioning into freelance writing full-time – specializing in reviews of various dating sites and apps across different platforms. With over 10 years’ worth of experience under her belt working within this industry, Lily knows all too well how difficult navigating the world of modern romance can be; which makes her even more determined than ever before help others make meaningful connections without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated along their journey towards true love! On top of regularly contributing content related specifically to online dating topics such as safety tips & tricks or best practices while using these services; Lily also offers personalized one-on-one consultations tailored directly around each individual client's needs - giving them access not only advice but tangible strategies they need succeed no matter what stage they're currently at in their own search for companionship!

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