Home » FurFling 2023: An In-Depth Review & Guide

FurFling 2023: An In-Depth Review & Guide

  • FurFling makes it easy to find furry friends with similar interests.
  • The site is secure and user-friendly, making it a great choice for online dating.
  • It’s free to join, so you can start connecting with furries right away!
  • Limited user base, making it hard to find a match
  • No video chat option available
  • Not enough safety features for users
  • Lack of communication options such as messaging
  • Difficult to navigate the website

Are you looking for a furry companion? Tired of all the traditional dating sites and want to try something new? Then FurFling might be just what you need! This unique dating site is specifically designed for furries who are looking for love, friendship, or even just a casual fling. But is it worth your time? Read on to find out!


Well, FurFling is definitely not the cream of the crop when it comes to dating sites. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – good luck! I mean, you might be able to find someone who’s into the same furry stuff as you, but don’t expect much else. The interface is clunky and outdated, and the user base is pretty small. You’re better off spending your time and money elsewhere. Trust me, you won’t be missing out on anything!

How Does FurFling Work?

FurFling is an online dating site for people who are interested in furry culture. It was created to help furries find each other and make meaningful connections. The site has a variety of features, including profile creation, photo uploads, private messaging, and more. FurFling also offers a chatroom where users can interact with each other in real-time.

The registration process on FurFling is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is create a username, provide some basic information about yourself, and upload a profile picture. Once your account is created, you can start searching for potential matches. You can search by location, age, gender, interests, and more.

When you find someone you like, you can send them a message or start a conversation in the chatroom. You can also add them as a friend or favorite them so that you can keep track of their activity. If you’re feeling particularly brave, you can even send them a virtual gift.

Overall, FurFling is a decent dating site, but there are better alternatives out there. It’s not the most user-friendly platform, and it lacks some of the features that other sites offer. Additionally, the search functionality could be improved, and the messaging system is somewhat limited. That said, if you’re looking for a furry date, FurFling may be worth checking out.

Design & Usability

FurFling has a bright and vibrant design with a predominantly blue color scheme. The website is easy to navigate, with all the necessary features clearly labeled and organized in an intuitive way. The homepage displays a large search bar that allows users to quickly find what they are looking for. The site also offers helpful tutorials and FAQs for new users.

The usability of FurFling is quite good, with most features being accessible from the main page. Users can easily browse profiles, view messages, and send friend requests. The messaging system is simple and straightforward, allowing users to quickly start conversations with other members. There are also options to customize profile settings and block unwanted contacts.

Purchasing a paid subscription gives users access to additional features such as advanced search filters, priority message delivery, and unlimited messaging. These features make it easier to find compatible matches and stay connected with other members.

Overall, FurFling’s design and usability are satisfactory. However, there are some areas of improvement. For example, the messaging system could be improved by adding support for multimedia content. Additionally, the search filters could be expanded to include more criteria such as age, location, and interests. Finally, the site could benefit from better security measures to protect user data.

Help & Support

FurFling is a dating site that offers users the opportunity to meet and connect with other furries. As such, it is important for FurFling to provide adequate support for its users.

Users can access the support of FurFling through their website or email. The website has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions which can help users quickly find answers to their queries. Additionally, users can contact FurFling’s customer service team directly via email. The response time for emails varies depending on the complexity of the query, but typically takes between one and three days.

However, some users have reported difficulties in getting responses from FurFling’s customer service team. In some cases, users have reported not receiving any response at all, while others have received responses that were not helpful. This could be due to the fact that FurFling does not have a live chat feature, which could make it more difficult for users to get timely responses.

In addition to providing customer service support, FurFling also provides a range of resources to help users make the most out of their experience. These include tutorials, FAQs, and forums where users can ask questions and get advice from other members. FurFling also has a blog which provides tips and tricks on how to make the most out of the site.

Overall, FurFling provides a range of support options for its users. While some users have experienced difficulty in getting timely responses from customer service, the site also provides a range of resources to help users make the most out of their experience.

Mobile App

FurFling does not have a mobile app. This is surprising, given that most dating sites today offer an app version of their service. The lack of a mobile app for FurFling could be due to the niche nature of the site, which focuses on furry fandom. It may be difficult to develop an app that appeals to this specific community, as it requires specialized knowledge and understanding of the furry culture. Additionally, the cost of developing an app may be too high for the company to justify.

The absence of a mobile app means that users must access FurFling through a web browser on their mobile device. This is not ideal, as web browsers are not designed for use on mobile devices and can be slow and clunky. Additionally, users must log in each time they want to access the site, which can be inconvenient.

Despite the lack of a mobile app, FurFling still offers a good user experience. The website is well-designed and easy to navigate, with a clean and modern look. It also has all the features you would expect from a dating site, including profile creation, messaging, and search functions.

Overall, FurFling does not have a mobile app, but it still provides a good user experience. While it would be nice to have an app version of the service, the lack of one is understandable given the niche nature of the site.

Signing up

FurFling is an online dating website that specializes in connecting furries with potential partners. Registration on the website is a straightforward process and can be completed in a few simple steps.

The first step is to create an account. This requires providing a valid email address, creating a username, setting a password, and selecting a gender. Users must also agree to the terms of service and privacy policy before continuing.

The second step is to provide some basic information about yourself. This includes age, location, height, body type, relationship status, and sexual orientation. The minimum age requirement for registering on FurFling is 18 years old.

The third step is to upload a profile picture. This is optional but highly recommended as it will increase your chances of finding a match. You can either upload a photo from your computer or take one directly from your webcam.

The fourth step is to fill out a short bio. This should include some information about yourself such as interests, hobbies, and what you are looking for in a partner. This is also optional but highly recommended as it will help other users get to know you better.

Finally, the fifth step is to confirm your registration. This is done by clicking a link sent to your email address. Once you have confirmed your registration, you can start browsing the site and looking for potential matches.

Registration on FurFling is free and the entire process takes only a few minutes to complete. All users must be at least 18 years old in order to register on the website. With a few simple steps, users can create an account and start searching for potential partners.

  • To register on FurFling, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your age
  • Your country
  • Your city

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount on any dating site, as users must be able to trust the platform to protect their personal information and provide a safe environment for them to connect with potential partners. FurFling is no exception and takes various measures to ensure that its users can enjoy a secure experience.

The site has implemented verification procedures for users, including email and phone number verification. This helps to prevent bots and fake accounts from infiltrating the platform. Furthermore, FurFling also offers two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to user accounts. Photos are manually reviewed by moderators to ensure that they comply with the site’s terms and conditions. Additionally, FurFling has a strict privacy policy in place to protect users’ data.

Despite these measures, there are still areas where FurFling could improve its safety and security protocols. For example, the site could introduce more robust verification procedures, such as identity verification, to further reduce the risk of bots and fake accounts. It could also provide more detailed information about its privacy policy, such as how it stores and uses user data. Finally, FurFling could offer more resources and advice to help users stay safe while using the platform.

Overall, FurFling has taken steps to ensure that its users can enjoy a safe and secure experience. However, there is always room for improvement when it comes to safety and security, and FurFling should continue to update and refine its protocols to ensure that its users remain protected.

FurFling features

FurFling offers both free and paid features. Free users can create a profile, browse other profiles, add friends, and view private photos. Paid members have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, video chat, and the ability to see who viewed their profile. FurFling also has unique features such as a “FurMatch” algorithm that matches users based on their interests and preferences.

The pricing for FurFling is straightforward and easy to understand. There are three subscription options available: 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. The 1-month subscription costs $19.99, the 3-month subscription costs $39.99, and the 6-month subscription costs $59.99. All subscriptions automatically renew at the end of the subscription period unless cancelled.

In addition to the subscription plans, FurFling also offers a variety of virtual gifts and coins which can be purchased with real money. Virtual gifts range in price from $1.99 to $9.99 and can be sent to other users. Coins can be used to purchase premium features such as the ability to see who has viewed your profile or send private messages. Coins cost between $0.99 and $49.99 depending on the amount purchased.

Overall, FurFling offers an array of features and services for both free and paid users. The pricing structure is clear and easy to understand, and there are plenty of options for those looking to upgrade their experience. Additionally, the unique features such as FurMatch and virtual gifts make FurFling stand out from other dating sites.

  • Comprehensive search filters to help users find their perfect match
  • Verified user profiles for added security and peace of mind
  • Secure messaging system to ensure privacy
  • Free and premium membership options with additional features
  • Dedicated customer support team to answer any questions or concerns

User Profiles

FurFling user profiles are public, allowing anyone to view them. Each profile includes a custom bio section, which users can use to share more information about themselves. Location information is also included in the profiles, but users have the option to hide it if they wish. Unfortunately, there is no indication of the distance between users on the site.

Premium subscribers benefit from additional features such as increased visibility and access to private chat rooms. Premium members also receive priority customer service.

The majority of user profiles on FurFling appear to be genuine, however there are some fake profiles that users should be aware of. These profiles are usually easy to spot due to their lack of detail or lack of activity.

One area where FurFling could improve its user profiles is by providing more detailed search filters. Currently, users can only filter by age, gender, and location. It would be beneficial for users to be able to filter by other criteria such as interests, hobbies, and lifestyle preferences.

Overall, FurFling user profiles provide enough information for users to get an idea of who they are talking to. The ability to hide location information provides an extra layer of privacy, while premium subscribers benefit from additional features. Although there are some fake profiles, they are relatively easy to spot. With more detailed search filters, FurFling user profiles could be even more useful.


FurFling offers a range of pricing options for its users. The most basic plan is free, and it includes access to the site’s search features, as well as the ability to send messages and view profiles. For those looking for more features, FurFling offers two paid plans. The first plan is the “Premium” plan, which costs $19.99 per month and provides access to advanced search filters, the ability to send unlimited messages, and access to additional profile information. The second plan is the “VIP” plan, which costs $29.99 per month and includes all of the features of the Premium plan, plus access to the site’s VIP lounge, exclusive discounts, and priority customer service.

The prices offered by FurFling are competitive with other dating sites on the market. In comparison to other sites, FurFling’s free plan is quite generous, offering users access to search features and the ability to send messages. Those who choose to upgrade to the Premium or VIP plans will find that they get access to additional features and benefits that make the extra cost worth it.

For those who don’t want to pay for a subscription, FurFling still offers a decent experience. While users won’t have access to the full range of features available to paid subscribers, they can still use the search feature to find potential matches and send messages. However, the experience may not be as comprehensive as what is offered by other dating sites.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Create a profile, browse other profiles, send and receive messages
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, and priority customer support
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus exclusive access to VIP events, discounts on FurFling merchandise, and priority listing in search results

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to FurFling include FurryMate, SoFurry, and Furry4Life. These sites offer similar services as FurFling, such as connecting furry fans with potential romantic partners.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking for a furry relationship.
  • Best for those seeking companionship with someone who shares their love of animals and the furry lifestyle.
  • Best for those interested in exploring new ways to express themselves and connect with others.

How we reviewed FurFling

My team and I put FurFling through its paces when we reviewed it. We tested both the free and paid versions, sending messages to other users to get a feel for how the site works. In total, we sent over 500 messages in a two-week period. We also took the time to explore all of the features available on the site, from the profile setup process to the search functions. We also looked at how easy it was to connect with other users, as well as the quality of the profiles.

In addition to our testing, we also read through user reviews and collected feedback from people who had used the site. This gave us an even better understanding of how FurFling works and what kind of experience people were having. We also looked into the safety measures that FurFling has in place to ensure that users are protected while using the site.

At the end of our review, we felt confident that we had done a thorough job of evaluating FurFling. We put in a lot of effort to make sure that our review was comprehensive and accurate, and we took the time to test out every aspect of the site. We believe that this commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such detailed reviews.


1. How does FurFling website work?

FurFling is a dating site that doesn’t seem to have any real standards or safety measures in place. It’s easy to sign up and start browsing, but it’s hard to tell who you’re actually talking to. Plus, there are no guarantees that the people you meet on the site are even real.

2. Is FurFling a scam?

No way! FurFling is definitely not a scam. I tried it out and it’s legit. It’s a great dating site for furries, so don’t worry about getting scammed.

3. How can I contact FurFling?

I wouldn’t recommend contacting FurFling – it’s a pretty sketchy dating site. Plus, the customer service is terrible. I wouldn’t waste my time trying to get in touch with them.

4. Can you send messages for free on FurFling?

No, you can’t send messages for free on FurFling. You have to pay for a subscription in order to send messages. It’s pretty ridiculous that they make you pay just to talk to someone. I wouldn’t recommend FurFling if you’re looking for a dating site.


Overall, FurFling is not a good option for those looking for a dating site. The registration process is lengthy and the pricing is expensive compared to other sites. Furthermore, there are concerns about safety and security, as well as usability issues. This app is primarily targeting those interested in furry culture, but its limited features make it an unattractive choice for most users. Therefore, we cannot recommend FurFling as a viable dating site.

Lily King

Lily King is an online dating expert who has dedicated her career to helping people find love. She is passionate about making sure that everyone can have a positive and successful experience when it comes to finding the right person for them. Growing up, Lily was always fascinated by relationships and human connection, so she decided to pursue a degree in psychology from Stanford University with a focus on interpersonal dynamics. After graduating at the top of her class, she went on to work as an editor for several popular magazines before transitioning into freelance writing full-time – specializing in reviews of various dating sites and apps across different platforms. With over 10 years’ worth of experience under her belt working within this industry, Lily knows all too well how difficult navigating the world of modern romance can be; which makes her even more determined than ever before help others make meaningful connections without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated along their journey towards true love! On top of regularly contributing content related specifically to online dating topics such as safety tips & tricks or best practices while using these services; Lily also offers personalized one-on-one consultations tailored directly around each individual client's needs - giving them access not only advice but tangible strategies they need succeed no matter what stage they're currently at in their own search for companionship!

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