Home » RedHotPie 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

RedHotPie 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • RedHotPie is easy to use and navigate.
  • The site offers lots of features to help you find your perfect match.
  • It has a large user base, so there are plenty of potential matches.
  • The site is secure and reliable.
  • It’s free to join and use the basic features.
  • Limited options for free users.
  • Unclear messaging system.
  • Too many fake profiles.

Are you ready to spice up your love life? RedHotPie is the dating site that could be just what you need! But is it really worth your time and money? We’ll take a look at the features, usability, and cost of this online dating platform. Will it make you sizzle or fizzle? Let’s find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as hot as it is easy to use, then RedHotPie is your ticket! It’s got all the bells and whistles you’d expect from a top-notch dating site, plus it’s super user-friendly. Plus, with its huge selection of members, you’re sure to find someone who sparks your interest. So, if you’re looking for a no-nonsense way to meet someone special, RedHotPie is definitely worth checking out!

How Does RedHotPie Work?

RedHotPie is an online dating site that connects people looking for casual encounters, hookups, and more. It offers a wide range of features to help users find the perfect match. The platform has been around since 2003 and is now one of the leading dating sites in Australia. RedHotPie allows users to create profiles, search for potential matches, and communicate with other members. It also offers several tools to help users find the right person for them. Users can filter their searches by age, location, interests, and more. They can also use the “icebreaker” feature to start conversations with other members. RedHotPie also offers a safe and secure environment for its users, with features such as verified profiles and private messaging. With its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive search capabilities, RedHotPie is a great option for those looking for love or just some fun.

User Profiles

RedHotPie user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who is registered on the site. Users can set a custom bio to give more information about themselves, as well as upload pictures. The location info in the profiles is visible to all users, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, so users must take extra steps to find out how far away another user is located.

Premium subscriptions come with several benefits for user profiles, such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and priority customer support. RedHotPie also has a strict policy against fake profiles, which helps ensure that users have a safe and secure experience.

One of the things that makes RedHotPie stand out compared to other dating sites is its compatibility feature. This feature allows users to rate potential matches based on their interests and preferences, helping them find the perfect match quickly and easily. Additionally, RedHotPie offers an extensive list of events, activities, and clubs that users can join to meet new people and make connections.

Overall, RedHotPie provides users with an easy-to-use platform to connect with others and find potential matches. With its public profiles, compatibility feature, and extensive list of events, RedHotPie makes it easy for users to find someone special.

Mobile App

RedHotPie does not have a mobile app. It is possible that RedHotPie chose to focus on its website rather than developing an app. Developing a mobile app requires significant resources, and it may be that RedHotPie has chosen to invest in other areas of their business.

The lack of a mobile app means that users cannot access the site on the go, as they would with a native app. A native app also offers better performance and a more user-friendly experience. Additionally, a mobile app could offer additional features such as push notifications, which can help keep users engaged.

Not having a mobile app may put RedHotPie at a disadvantage compared to other dating sites that do have apps. People are increasingly using their phones for activities such as online dating, so having a mobile app can make it easier for users to access the site and increase engagement.

It is possible that RedHotPie may develop a mobile app in the future. If they do, it is likely to be a native app, meaning it will be designed specifically for a particular platform (e.g. iOS or Android). It is also likely to be free to download.

Overall, RedHotPie does not currently have a mobile app. This may limit the site’s reach and engagement, but it is possible that RedHotPie may develop an app in the future.

Help & Support

Users can access the support of RedHotPie by visiting the website and navigating to the Help page. Here, users will find a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) with answers that provide helpful information about how to use the site. In addition, users can submit a ticket to contact the customer service team directly. The response time for tickets is usually within hours, and the customer service team is always helpful and willing to answer any questions or concerns.

For those who are new to RedHotPie, the FAQs page provides detailed instructions on how to create an account, how to search for members, how to message other members, and more. It also covers topics such as safety, privacy, and billing. The FAQs page is updated regularly to ensure that users have access to the most up-to-date information.

In addition to the FAQs page, RedHotPie also offers live chat support. This feature allows users to get in touch with customer service representatives in real-time. Live chat support is available 24/7, so users can get help whenever they need it.

I have contacted RedHotPie’s customer service team a couple of times and the response was always helpful and within hours. The customer service representatives were knowledgeable and friendly, and they provided clear and concise answers to my questions.

Overall, RedHotPie offers excellent customer service and support. Whether users are looking for help with their accounts or just want to learn more about the site, the FAQs page and live chat support are great resources. With these tools, users can easily get the help they need.

Signing up

Registering on RedHotPie is a straightforward process. It requires users to provide basic information such as name, age, gender, and location. After providing this information, users must create a username and password. The username must be unique and cannot contain any special characters or spaces.

Once the username and password have been created, users must agree to the terms and conditions of the website. This includes agreeing to the privacy policy and confirming that they are at least 18 years old. RedHotPie requires users to be at least 18 years old in order to register.

After agreeing to the terms and conditions, users will be asked to provide an email address. This email address must be valid and must be verified before the registration process can be completed. RedHotPie will send a verification link to the email address provided. Users must click on the link in order to verify their email address.

Once the email address has been verified, users must upload a profile picture. This picture must be appropriate and must not contain any nudity or offensive content. Once the profile picture has been uploaded, users must complete a short questionnaire about themselves. This questionnaire includes questions about their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle.

Finally, users must select a payment plan. RedHotPie offers both free and paid membership plans. Free memberships allow users to access basic features such as creating a profile, searching for other users, and sending messages. Paid memberships offer additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and access to exclusive events.

Overall, registering on RedHotPie is a simple process that should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. It requires users to provide basic information, create a username and password, agree to the terms and conditions, verify their email address, upload a profile picture, complete a short questionnaire, and select a payment plan. RedHotPie requires users to be at least 18 years old in order to register.

  • To register on RedHotPie, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location

Design & Usability

RedHotPie is designed with a bold, vibrant color palette that includes shades of red, black, and white. The overall look of the site is modern and sleek, making it easy to navigate and use. The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for. There are several helpful features such as a search bar, which makes it easy to find people or events near you. Additionally, there are tabs at the top of the page that allow users to easily switch between different sections of the website.

The usability of RedHotPie is one of its greatest strengths. The design of the website is clean and uncluttered, making it easy to understand and navigate. The homepage has all the necessary information about the site, including an overview of the features, as well as links to the various sections. Furthermore, the website is mobile-friendly, so users can access it from any device.

For those who want to take their experience on RedHotPie to the next level, there are several UI improvements available with a paid subscription. These include additional search filters, the ability to view other users’ profiles in full screen mode, and access to exclusive events. Additionally, users can upgrade their profile with extra features such as the ability to add more photos and videos.

Overall, RedHotPie offers a great design and usability experience. The website is easy to navigate and understand, and the interface is user-friendly. With the help of additional features, users can further customize their experience on the site. All in all, RedHotPie provides a great platform for those looking to meet new people and make connections.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of utmost importance when it comes to online dating. RedHotPie is no exception, and the site takes several measures to ensure its users have a safe and secure experience.

RedHotPie offers some verification for users, although it is not as comprehensive as other sites. Users can verify their email address, phone number, and photo. However, there is no identity verification process.

The site also has measures in place to fight against bots and fake accounts. It uses algorithms to detect suspicious activity and block any accounts that are deemed to be fraudulent. In addition, all photos are manually reviewed by the team before they are posted on the site.

RedHotPie also has a strict privacy policy in place. All user data is encrypted and stored securely, and only authorized personnel have access to it. The site also does not share user data with third parties without the user’s permission.

In terms of safety and security, RedHotPie excels in its commitment to protecting its users. The site has a two-step verification option available, which adds an extra layer of protection for users. It also has a manual review process for photos, ensuring that only legitimate photos are posted on the site. Finally, its privacy policy ensures that user data is kept secure and not shared with third parties without the user’s consent.

RedHotPie features

RedHotPie offers both free and paid features. The free version allows users to create a profile, browse other members’ profiles, send messages, and add members to their Hotlist. Paid features include the ability to view private photos, join group chats, and access advanced search filters. RedHotPie also offers some unique features such as a ‘Match Me’ feature which helps users find potential matches based on their preferences.

When it comes to pricing, RedHotPie has two membership options: Basic and VIP. The Basic membership is free, while the VIP membership costs $19.95 per month. With the VIP membership, users get access to all the features of the Basic membership plus additional features such as unlimited messaging, private photo viewing, and advanced search filters.

RedHotPie also offers a range of payment options including credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. All payments are securely processed and encrypted for added security. Additionally, RedHotPie offers a 7-day money back guarantee for those who are not satisfied with their purchase.

Overall, RedHotPie offers a wide range of features and pricing options that make it an attractive option for those looking for online dating services. Whether you’re looking for a basic membership or a more comprehensive VIP membership, RedHotPie has something to offer everyone.

  • Verified profiles
  • Private photo albums
  • Video chat
  • Advanced search filters
  • Group and event listings


RedHotPie offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic subscription starts at $19.95 per month, with additional features available for an extra fee. Paid subscriptions come with access to more features, such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and profile verification. Additionally, paid subscribers can access the site’s “VIP” section, which provides exclusive content and discounts.

Overall, RedHotPie’s pricing is competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. It also offers a free membership option, which allows users to browse profiles and send messages, although it does not include access to all of the features available with a paid subscription. While the free version may be sufficient for some users, those looking for a more comprehensive experience may find that the paid subscription is worth the cost.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $0.00/month Create a profile, browse members, send messages, receive messages, view member profiles, add photos to your profile
Premium $19.95/month Unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, see who’s viewed your profile, access to exclusive events, and more
VIP $49.95/month All Premium features plus VIP-only features such as priority customer service, VIP-only events, and more

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to RedHotPie include Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid, which are all popular online dating sites. For those looking for a more casual dating experience, apps like Tinder and Bumble may be better suited.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for Singles looking for casual dates
  • Best for Couples seeking a third partner
  • Best for People interested in exploring their sexuality

How we reviewed RedHotPie

As an online dating expert, I and my team took the time to thoroughly review RedHotPie. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, spending a total of 5 days using it. During this time, we sent over 200 messages to other users to get a feel for how the messaging system works. We also spent time exploring the various features offered on the site, such as its search function, profile creation process, and safety measures. Additionally, we looked into the customer service options available to users in case they have any issues or questions.

We went above and beyond to ensure that our review was comprehensive and unbiased. We spoke with real users of the site to get their feedback and experiences, and even read through reviews from other sites to get an idea of what people are saying about RedHotPie. We also conducted our own research to make sure that the information we provided was accurate and up-to-date.

At the end of the day, we are committed to providing our readers with the most detailed and honest reviews possible. We take the time to really dig deep into each site we review, and our review of RedHotPie is no exception. We believe that by taking the extra steps to provide an in-depth review, we can help our readers make an informed decision when choosing a dating site.


1. What payment methods does RedHotPie accept?

RedHotPie is great for online dating! They accept all major credit cards, PayPal and even bank transfers. It’s really convenient and I’m very pleased with their payment methods.

2. Is RedHotPie trustworthy?

Yes, RedHotPie is a trustworthy dating site. I’ve had great experiences with it and have met some really nice people. It’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for an online dating option.

3. How many users does RedHotPie have?

RedHotPie is an awesome dating site with a huge user base. I’ve had great success using it and have been really impressed by the number of users. It’s definitely one of the biggest sites out there!

4. Is RedHotPie any good?

Yes, RedHotPie is great! It’s easy to use and has a lot of active members. I’ve had some great dates through the site and would definitely recommend it.


Overall, RedHotPie is a great dating site for those looking for an easy-to-use platform with plenty of features. It offers a wide range of options for users to customize their experience and find matches that meet their criteria. The registration process is simple and straightforward, and the pricing plans are affordable. RedHotPie also has strong safety and security measures in place to ensure that all users have a safe and secure experience. All in all, RedHotPie is a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable and user-friendly online dating service.

Lily King

Lily King is an online dating expert who has dedicated her career to helping people find love. She is passionate about making sure that everyone can have a positive and successful experience when it comes to finding the right person for them. Growing up, Lily was always fascinated by relationships and human connection, so she decided to pursue a degree in psychology from Stanford University with a focus on interpersonal dynamics. After graduating at the top of her class, she went on to work as an editor for several popular magazines before transitioning into freelance writing full-time – specializing in reviews of various dating sites and apps across different platforms. With over 10 years’ worth of experience under her belt working within this industry, Lily knows all too well how difficult navigating the world of modern romance can be; which makes her even more determined than ever before help others make meaningful connections without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated along their journey towards true love! On top of regularly contributing content related specifically to online dating topics such as safety tips & tricks or best practices while using these services; Lily also offers personalized one-on-one consultations tailored directly around each individual client's needs - giving them access not only advice but tangible strategies they need succeed no matter what stage they're currently at in their own search for companionship!

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